Volume 1, Issue 4

A forest stewardship and wildfire mitigation newsletter for the rural landowner, provided by Fremont County Firewise

Winter 2002

Text Box: members of the subdivision.  This person could relay information between the homeowners and the Firewise Coordinator in order to streamline the communication process for residents of the community who may not be year-round residents.
If you are interested in assisting your community and becoming part of a Firewise Council, please contact Shad Cooper either by phone at 307-857-3030 or by email at       fremontfirewise@    wyoming.com
by Shad Cooper          Fremont County Firewise
Text Box: Fremont County Firewise would like to encourage groups of homeowners from numerous subdivisions in Fremont County such as:  Union Pass, Homestead Park, and the South Pass area to organize community councils.  These councils would be designed to monitor forest health conditions within their subdivisions, assist homeowners with wildland fire hazard mitigation, provide support for demonstration projects, and become familiar with the various cooperating agencies.
These “Firewise Councils” would be an Text Box: excellent networking opportunity for homeowners from various subdivisions to work together towards the common goal of preventing a catastrophic wildland fire.
The Firewise program is completely dependent on the support of the homeowners within the subdivisions.  Without the homeowners support, demonstration projects, community workshops, and general public education meetings could not take place.
Ideally, the Firewise Council would consist of at least one person from each subdivision who would act as a point of contact for other Text Box: Rural Addressing (Fire) Numbers
Text Box: For the residents of rural Fremont County, fire numbers are the most important direct link for emergency services.  Your fire number or rural address is stored in three different places to help emergency services.  
First, they are assigned and stored by the Fremont County Planning and Rural Addressing Department in the Court House.  If you are developing on your property, you will need to contact our office to be assigned a new address before the utility Text Box: companies will connect your utilities.
Your address is also stored at the Fremont County Sheriffs Office in the (911) Dispatch Center.  They have a database sent by computer from the phone company, which is really an advanced form of caller ID.
Last and most importantly, your address is stored at your property and homes.  In a rural setting you should have red, reflective numbers at the beginning of the driveway to your property.
Text Box: The fire numbers need to be displayed in a highly visible location.  If you need emergency assistance, it’s very important the numbers  are properly displayed so emergency responders can get to you in the least amount of time possible.  
If you need to be assigned fire numbers, the Fremont County Planning and Rural Addressing Department  will provide fire numbers to you at no cost when you receive a new address.	
by  Ryan Mikesell                Fremont County Planning Office
Text Box: Firewise Council is designed to:
Monitor Forest Health Conditions
Assist Homeowners with Hazard Mitigation
Provide Support for Demonstration Projects
Become Familiar with Cooperating Agencies
Text Box: Inside this issue:

Community Firewise Councils Are Forming

Aspens Aesthetic Value


Community Slash Pile


Union Pass Meeting


Fire Season Outlook